Tapped In | Bellingham's Craft Beer Podcast

A Conversation with James Alexander

Episode Summary

A casual conversation with James Alexander of Structures Brewing.

Episode Notes

Today we sit down with James Alexander of Structures Brewing. We talk about the challenges of having a founder leave early in the game, how being smaller can be an advantage, the importance of basketball in the world, the history of hazy beers, and much more.

Recorded in July 2019.

Structures Brewing

1420 North State Street

Bellingham, WA 98225



Recorded on location at Dave's house with a very squeaky chair present.

Episode hosted, engineered & produced by Dave Morales

Contact: dave@taptrail.com

More information at http://taptrail.com/

Tapped In Content Director: Scott Pelton

Sponsorship provided by PSE Green Power and Skagit Valley Malting